Does fibroadenoma put me at a higher risk for developing breast cancer?"

"I was told I have a fibroadenoma, does this put me at a higher risk for developing breast cancer?" --Anonymous Patient
Fibroadenomas are the most common mass found in the breast. They are benign. They do not impart any more risk of breast cancer than normal breast tissue.
Although fibroadenomas have a fairly characteristic appearance on mammogram or ultrasound, cancer can sometimes look the same. For this reason it's a good to keep an eye on any mass that is assumed to be a fibroadenoma and make sure there is no change in appearance or rapid growth.
If the mass which is assumed to be a fibroadenoma is large, there is rapid growth, or the uncertainty of diagnosis makes the patient uncomfortable, they should be biopsied with a needle.
If the results from the needle biopsy reliably confirm the mass is a fibroadenoma, they can be left alone. If for some reason the needle biopsy is not conclusive or the diagnosis doesn't fit with the appearance or behavior of the mass they are usually removed with surgery.
If a fibroadenoma is painful, disfiguring, or otherwise bothersome it can be removed surgically. If the patient would want the mass removed even if it were a fibroadenoma, needle biopsy can be skipped, and they can be surgically removed, but many surgeons still prefer needle biopsy results before surgery.
Note, although fibroadenomas are benign, they contain certain parts of breast tissue that can become cancer and therefore a fibroadenoma can become cancer too. However, this is rare, and no more likely to occur than with normal breast tissue.
Ryan Polselli, MD, Diplomate of the American Board of Radiology, Fellowship Trained Breast Imaging Radiologist.


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